ONE ZERO ONE is coming finally to Vienna. Previous to the Vienna Lifeball on May 30th we celebrate our Premiere of ONE ZERO ONE in…

Münster/Germany 19.05.2014 at 20:00 pm cinema Münster including director talk Tickets & Information Bologna/Italy 23.05.2014 Leipzig/Germany 26.-28.05.2014 at 22:00 pm Cinematheque Leipzig Tickets & Information…

ONE ZERO ONE in NIZZA Samstag, 26.April um 15:45 Cinema Le Mercury Tickets & Information

Das Nachtleben ist nicht gerade arm an Freaks und Paradiesvögeln, ob in Berlin, New York oder Ibiza. Zu den schillerndsten und schrillsten gehören Mourad und…

The story of Cybersissy and BayBjane This 90-minutes long documen-tale tells a true story about a most unique friendship, about survival at the edge of…

Antoine and Mourad do exactly that… That’s why it was love at first sight, when I first saw them powering up the Cologne nightlife many…

SÜDBLOCK, Admiralstrasse 1-2, in 10999 Berlin. Solo-Show: Cybersissy (Firepussy-Performance) Runway: Dwayne Strike (Highheel-Armada) Seeräuber Jenny (queer-riot lyrics) Mischa Badasyan (Queer-Riot-Vouging) Ocean LeRoy (Queer-Dance-Performance) M. the…